This ‘How to’ guide is for our road cleats CC-CLEAT02 or CC-CLEAT04 (please see product image directly underneath).
We have all been there. As regular clipping in and out of the pedal as well as walking on your cleats and normal riding motions have an impact on the wear of them, it will be necessary to replace your cleats every so often. A new cleat that is properly installed will allow your clipless pedal system to work perfectly and give you the confidence that clipping in and out of your pedal will work flawlessly.
Before we go into the details of how to remove your existing cleat and how to install the new one, please keep in mind that we are not going to dive into the issue of the correct cleat position in this how-to guide. If you have not already done it, we would recommend that you find out more about where exactly your cleat should sit for your riding style, for your natural shoe position and the specific anatomy of your foot. To do so, please check the dedicated videos from GCN as well as from British Cycling.
NOTE: If you should have our MTB cleats (CC-CLEAT03) please see small image directly underneath, then please click here for the installation instructions.
What you need
To replace your cleat and to keep a position of the new cleat that is as similar as possible to the one you are removing, you will need the following items: new cleat set (CC-CLEAT02 or CC-CLEAT04 - see exact contents below), including washers, bolts and rubber plug, an Allen key set, some tape (for marking) and some grease. The cleats are not left or right specific.
An exact list of items included:
- 2 x cleat
- 6 x washers
- 6 x bolts
- 2 x rubber plug (black)
Mark the position of your old cleat
To help in keeping the proven position of your old cleat, we suggest using some strips of tape to mark the position. Start with putting a strip at the back of the old cleat (1) as well as the front (2). This will help to fit the new cleat in the same position on the base of the shoe. Now take two more strips and apply them along the sides of the cleat. The strips should mark the angle your old cleat is positioned, making it easier to install the new one in the same location. We are replacing two different pedal/cleat systems here, where the tape might be less accurate than if you are replacing with the same cleat, however, it should still give a very good indication of where your new cleat should sit. Repeat the same on your other shoe.
Remove the old cleat
If needed, remove any debris from the centre of your old bolts (4) as that will make removing them much easier. Use a quality Allen key to remove the bolts. Make sure you don't round off the bolts in the process as that will also make the removing much more difficult. Turn the bolts anti-clockwise till they are all out and you can remove the old cleat. Repeat the same on your other shoe.
Prepare your new cleat
Clean the base of your shoe and make sure that no dirt gets into the bolt holes. Put the black rubber plug into the central hole of the cleat (position 5). Repeat the same on your other shoe.
Install your new cleat
Give each bolt a thin coating of grease. Put a washer ((6) - with the slightly sharper edge facing towards the sole of the shoe) into the cleat and feed the bolt through the washer into the bolt hole. Slightly tighten. Repeat on all three holes. Repeat the same on your other shoe.
Check the position of the new cleat
Before tightening down, please check the position of the cleat with the help of the tape and secure each bolt by turning it clock-wise. Don't fully tighten down one bolt, before you go to the next. Instead, incrementally tighten the bolts, going from one to the next, each time tightening the bolt a little bit further till they are all nice and tight. Please make sure you don't overtighten the bolts and potentially damage the cleat or your shoe. Repeat the same on your other shoe. Before removing the tape, go for a short ride to check that the position of the cleat is as you would like it to be. Once you have confirmed the right position, you can remove the tape and use your new cleats.
If you are not sure of the correct position, please check the dedicated videos from GCN as well as from British Cycling as they will be able to help you with the correct set-up. |
by Mikethebike Tue May 12, 2020
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